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Privacy Policy


Agreeing to terms:  

If you do not agree to Estética Direct Limited’s terms and conditions as posted here on this website, please do not use this site or any services offered by this site. Terms and conditions can change at anytime and will be update on this website when required. By using this website you agree to Estética Direct Limited’s terms of service and general terms and conditions. By using this site and/or submitting data to this site you are entering into an agreement with our privacy policy, and agreeing to the full terms and conditions as stated on this site. If you have any concerns or queries about how we protect data please contact us at


How information is collected:

Any personal data and information collected by us is in like with our Privacy Policy. The majority of information we hold is by the information provided by you, through this website or contacting us by email, telephone, social media or other messaging systems. 

Please be aware that some information may be provided to us voluntary but unintentionally. We collect information from our website, the software applications made available to you, Cookies and publicly made available information such as social media. 

We may collect the following personal information in order to provide products to you: Your name, address, date of birth, email, telephone number(S). 


We may also collect information such as profession, regulatory body, regulatory body registration numbers, patient/client details such as prescription records, possible criminal records. 

We may also collect documents to verify your identity such as ID documents and utility bills. 

We collect statistical information about site visitors for lawful purposes and internal use. This information will remain anonymous when used for lawful purposes. 


By registering for an account with Estética Direct Limited you are providing consent for us to process personal information. Consent can be withdrawn at anytime. Where consent is the only legal basis for processing, we will cease to process data once consent has been withdrawn.

We may also process your date to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations for example preventing & investigating crime, fraud etc. 

Estética Direct Limited may make personal information available to our company and sister company Estética Aesthetics Limited, along with consultants & contract workers such as locum pharmacists, and self-employed workers. 

Service providers including external third party providers such as lawyers, experts, registration bodies, accountants, hosting services, IT services, data storage, cloud providers and other third party vendors such as DPD who assist us in the running of our business. 

Governmental authorities and third parties.


We may share your (or your patient/client’s) Personal Information with governmental or other public authorities (including, but not limited to, regulatory authorities, courts, law enforcement, tax authorities and criminal investigations agencies); and third-party civil legal process participants and their accountants, auditors, lawyers and other advisors and representatives as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) to comply with applicable law (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our group companies; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and that of our group companies, you or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit our damages.


Other third parties: 

We may share your (or your patient/client’s) Personal Information with other third parties. We will always do this under contract and within UK law including the Data Protection Act and GDPR.


How we use Personal Information?

We use personal information to communicate with you as part of the business, send changes to our policies and terms and conditions of our site, carry out market research, provide you with marketing information (you can choose to opt out of receiving marketing information). We also use personal information to comply with internal policies such as auditing, finance, data & website hosting, record continuity, document management. To resolve complained and deal with requests for data access to be changed. 

Personal data may also be used to comply with the law, legal process and respond to requests from government and public authorities. We may also use data to defend legal rights, privacy, safety, property and privacy. 

Any personal Information supplied to us is generally stored and kept inside the European Economic Area. 


Managing personal data: 

When you access our website online, we store some information about you which is anonymous and used for statistical purposes. 

When you register for an account with our site and log-in to your ‘My Account’ area, it is protected by your password and may only be accessed by you.You can de-activate your account at any time, by contacting us. You may request for our Retention Policy for further details. 



Estética Direct Limited is committed to keeping personal data safe and secure and our security measures include secure IT systems for our website such as encryption, password protections, VPN, firewalls. To comply with Pharmacy Information Governance, information we collect is reviewed including all security measures. Access to personal information is restricted to employees, locum and self-employed contractors of the company, who have obligations to follow confidentiality and privacy rules as per their contracts. Disciplinary action will be taken if they fail to comply with these obligations. 



We use Google Analytics who may utilise cookies along with codes for advertising, however any of our network partners do not collect or have access to any information which is provided by you, any details they do collect will remain anonymous. Please see our cookies policy for more information. 



We may use email as a method of communication with our clients and site users, and SMS may also be used. Hard-copy materials may also be used, such as magazines and promotional marketing material. 

We may process your data for Marketing related purposes as part of Recital 47 of the GDPR.

The Marketing material you would receive can be “processed” information based on the data we collect from you and/or data collected from third party sources. 


Your Rights:

You have the right to ask what personal data that we may hold about you at any time, subject to a fee specified by law.

You have the right to ask us to update information we have stored subject to no fee. You also have the right to opt out of any marketing materials we may send to you. 

Please contact


Age policy: 

Estética Direct Limited products and services on this site are for those aged 18 and over. No person under the age of 18 will be permitted to create a user account with our site, and/or order products from our site due to the nature of the products we sell. Any persons under 18 who have attempted to create an account, will have their user registration denied. 


Third Party:

We are not responsible for the data processing of any Personal Information you disclose to other organisations through our Social Media Pages. Any third parties who we work with who have received personal information from us, have all confirmed to comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act. 


Receiving personal data via third parties: 

Where you are collecting personal data from somebody else, and sending this to Estética Direct Limited for example if you are a prescriber sending a prescription in for another healthcare professional you prescribe for, you would be jointly responsible for any data for your client passed to us. By using our site you agree and consent to adhering to any Data Protection rules. 

If you have any concerns or queries about our privacy policy please contact us at

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